Cables Manufacturing

Cables Production is a sector in the HEAVY Industry that has special requirements in terms of Cooling and Industrial air treatment.

Good quality of final product as well as large productivity of the plant is significantly affected by the cooling and Air treatment Systems Installed.Nowdays, cable industry has moved to Submarine Technology as electricity needs to be moved under sea and also due to the constant development of off-shore Wind Parks. BCT has a vast experience in the Cabling Industry having materialized delicate application in Submarine Cables Degassing and also in providing cooling in multiple production stages.

Applications provided by BCT in the Cables Industry are:

Degassing Process in Submarine Cables Manufacturing for Turn Table Applications

Degassing Systems for Drum Applications

Cleanrooms ISO 6 for Joints Installation in Subsea cables

Portable Clean devices for Joints

Cable Cooling after vulcanization

Special Process Ventilation

Electric Houses Cooling

We are here to engineer the best solutions for you!

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